News & Trends

News & Trends2024-01-11T17:06:34-08:00

Announcements, News and Useful Intelligence

From The Croner Company

Staying Competitive for Hiring: Data-Driven Decisions Make an Impact

In today's dynamic and competitive marketplace, staying competitive for hiring requires more than just intuition; it requires data-driven decision-making. The Croner Company offers an invaluable resource that could significantly impact your business strategy: industry-specific compensation surveys. A compensation survey offers extensive market analysis, enabling companies to fine-tune their compensation strategies [...]

March 29th, 2024|Attracting and Retaining Talent, News & Trends|

Geographic Pay Differentials & Remote Work

As permanent remote work becomes more entrenched, the use of geographic pay differentials is gaining traction. C2HR’s Annual Compensation Surveys have long revealed that geographic-based pay is well established among connectivity companies. Content developers are now also offering pay differentials…but gaining employee acceptance can be [...]

Connectivity Providers and Content Developers Balance Increasing Employee Pay While Remaining Disciplined Financially

Lower bonuses for connectivity providers and content developers reflect an overall desire to have stronger base salaries in order for talent to have the security of guaranteed compensation. It is a balancing act for companies as they continue to prioritize pay equity and pay transparency while still facing economic headwinds. [...]

Does Participation in a Compensation Survey Make Sense for Your Company?

Why participate in a compensation survey? Compensation survey results provide defensible data for market practices for all components of the pay proposition, including base salaries, bonuses, equity awards and sales incentives. Compensation survey results provide insight for how to attract and retain valued skills and employees in competitive markets, including [...]

January 8th, 2024|News & Trends|

Salaries for Software Gaming Talent Continued to Grow in 2023

The recently published 2023 Croner Software Games Survey – North America shows that salaries for software gaming talent experienced steady compensation growth year over year. The greatest increase in salaries for software gaming jobs was for executive-level positions. The increase was driven by strong growth in short-term incentives. Considered the [...]

Entertainment Jobs Experience Steady Compensation Growth

The annual Croner Entertainment Survey provides comprehensive compensation data for entertainment jobs, including film, television, music, digital and other entertainment such as live events and theme parks. It includes data for positions at all organizational levels, from executive to hourly, across a broad range of job families. In the recently [...]

For Local Media Jobs, Growth in Compensation Varies by Market Rank

The recently published 2023 Croner Local Media Survey provides in-depth market data for compensation growth at local media stations. The report provides data for compensation for jobs specific to local television and radio stations and local advertising sales jobs. The survey results include data from television stations, radio stations, MSOs [...]

Reduction in Salary Adjustments Anticipated for 2024

Reduction in Salary Adjustments Anticipated for 2024 The 2023 Croner Salary Budget Survey revealed that budgeted salary increases in 2023 are consistent at last year’s forecasted increase.  However, budgeted salary adjustments for next year are expected to decrease. The findings as August 2023 concluded that among all Croner survey participants [...]