Compensation Solutions

10 Tips for Developing a Robust Job Architecture

Defining an accurate job architecture or catalog requires input from disparate, sometimes rival stakeholders within an organization. Your compensation team is ideal to manage this effort. It understands the existing titles and salary structures that serve as your launch point, and it has relationships with those needed to secure buy-in. To discover critical steps in building the architecture and associated market benchmarks and ranges, read on [...]

Geographic Pay Differentials & Remote Work

As permanent remote work becomes more entrenched, the use of geographic pay differentials is gaining traction. C2HR’s Annual Compensation Surveys have long revealed that geographic-based pay is well established among connectivity companies. Content developers are now also offering pay differentials…but gaining employee acceptance can be [...]

Connectivity Providers and Content Developers Balance Increasing Employee Pay While Remaining Disciplined Financially

Lower bonuses for connectivity providers and content developers reflect an overall desire to have stronger base salaries in order for talent to have the security of guaranteed compensation. It is a balancing act for companies as they continue to prioritize pay equity and pay transparency while still facing economic headwinds. [...]

If You Think Related Industries Pay Alike, Think Again

As businesses seek new ventures, entering a related industry seems natural. Similarities should make it easier to attract and retain talent. Right? Unfortunately, the rules you know governing compensation may not apply. To create pay practices that resonate, you must understand the new business, its roles and unique competitive characteristics. For five strategies to better understand industry-specific compensation READ MORE…

Geographic-Based Pay: Is It Right for Your Company?

With the worst of the pandemic over, employers realize that many workers who relocated during COVID aren’t returning. If your company suspended location-based pay during the uncertainty of the pandemic, it’s time to reinstate the policy. For tips on deciding whether and how to implement geographic pay differentials READ MORE…