Croner Entertainment Survey – International

The Croner Entertainment Survey – International, launched in 2022, is conducted annually to provide aggregated competitive compensation information for large film studios, smaller film studios and companies that produce entertainment content distributed in theaters or across television and digital networks in locations in the United Kingdom, Europe and Canada. Other international areas may be reported if sufficient data is submitted.

Survey Participation Inquiries

To inquire about Survey participation and access to results, contact The Croner Company today.

World-Class Participants

The Croner Entertainment Survey – International serves as a benchmark compensation resource for studio production and distribution positions in the film, television and music entertainment industries. The 2023 Survey Results include compensation data from 23 companies.

A total of 107 positions were reported across 11 countries, along with 87 positions rolled up by level within job family categories within those countries. The report also includes 74 positions rolled up by organization level across 13 countries.

Valuable Data for Critical Decisions

Participant companies use our Survey results to understand salary differentials, benchmark sector-specific compensation, establish rational pay levels and pay structures and make well-informed decisions about their competitive bonus plans and equity plans.

Download PDF Survey Data

Position Data Query
  • Croner Entertainment Survey – International participation includes access to Croner’s Position Data Query on our Survey Portal.

  • This interactive tool allows users to select a position along with cuts of the data, and then a printer-friendly page of selected results will be immediately available.

  • CLICK HERE to view a sample of the Position Data Query, including the types of cuts available by position and the presentation format.

Significant Features

Of the Croner Entertainment Survey – International
  • Participants include theatrical and television production and distribution companies, music companies and digital entertainment companies

  • Results provide clear picture of entertainment compensation in the United Kingdom, Europe and Canada

  • All organization levels and job functions are covered

  • Compensation data results reported by position, level and industry segment

  • Results delivered online via our secure Survey Portal, which allows you to download presentation-ready reports for every position (for all results and/or specific cuts)

  • Annual Trends Report provided to all participating companies

  • Comprehensive position descriptions, updated annually to mirror industry changes

  • Annual Interim August Merit Budget Survey included in Participation Fee

Key Dates and Survey Pricing

2024 Survey Schedule

Survey Planning Meeting: April 2024

Questionnaire Distribution: June

Data Effective Date: June 1

Questionnaire Due Date: August

Full Report of Results Publish Date: November

Salary Budgets Survey Supplement: August

Confidentiality Yields Quality Results

The Croner Company conducts all of our surveys as an independent third party. You can trust us. We have many decades of experience successfully ensuring the security, confidentiality and consistency of the data we provide.


All participant submissions are processed securely and held in strict confidence. Survey results are reported only in summary form; no attribution is made to any specific data from any participating entities.

Limited Distribution

Survey results are distributed only to the participants in each survey. All participants are required to sign an agreement that confirms they will abide by our confidentiality standards.

Safe Harbor Practices

The Croner Company’s data aggregation and reporting practices adhere to U.S. Department of Justice and industry standard “Safe Harbor” guidelines to ensure full regulatory compliance and enhance the integrity of all survey results.

Secure Data Management

All of our data submission, storage and distribution practices adhere to privacy and security standards established by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the joint E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield Certification program. Click here for more information regarding our privacy policies.

Contact Croner

To Participate

To inquire about participating in this survey, contact us today.