Annual Compensation Surveys

Compensation Reports for Smart Reward Strategies

Our reports contain everything you need to know to create a compensation plan that is competitive for attracting, retaining and motivating talent.

Croner surveys are the most trusted compensation benchmarking resource for


  • Grantmaking foundations.

  • Animation and visual effects.

  • Entertainment.

  • Content providers and broadcasting networks.

  • Software games and casino games.

  • Cable and multiple system operators.

  • Digital / mobile content and services technology.

Why Do You Need Compensation Survey Data?

Organizations of all sizes use market data to inform all areas of their operations. Your company’s leaders probably don’t depend upon hearsay, internet postings or anecdotal information to make critical business decisions regarding sales, marketing or investment.

Typically, the Total Cost of Workforce for an organization can be 70% or more of all operating expenses. Compensation surveys answer critical questions that help organizations attract and retain the right people and strike the right balance between profitability and workforce rewards, such as:

  • Do you want to pay $40,000 more than you need for your new Vice President of Marketing?

  • Why is your turnover so high in the engineering department?

  • What are your competitors doing that makes them more attractive employers for college graduates?

Benefits of Using a Compensation Survey

Croner Surveys give your organization deep and focused industry-specific critical data that give you an edge.

  • A clear, competitive advantage
  • Decision making using the whole picture
  • Consistent and defensible pay levels
  • Knowledge of current trends

Custom Compensation Surveys

We are available to conduct custom surveys that capture compensation data for positions that are not covered in other surveys, to answer questions of immediate or topical concern for compensation executives or to shed light on specific compensation practices and trends.

Some of our recent custom surveys include:

Confidentiality Yields Quality Results

The Croner Company conducts all of our surveys as an independent third party. You can trust us. We have many decades of experience successfully ensuring the security, confidentiality and consistency of the data we provide.


All participant submissions are processed securely and held in strict confidence. Survey results are reported only in summary form; no attribution is made to any specific data from any participating entities.

Limited Distribution

Survey results are distributed only to the participants in each survey. All participants are required to sign an agreement that confirms they will abide by our confidentiality standards.

Safe Harbor Practices

The Croner Company’s data aggregation and reporting practices adhere to U.S. Department of Justice and industry standard “Safe Harbor” guidelines to ensure full regulatory compliance and enhance the integrity of all survey results.

Secure Data Management

All of our data submission, storage and distribution practices adhere to privacy and security standards established by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the joint E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield Certification program. Click here for more information regarding our privacy policies.


All participant submissions are processed securely and held in strict confidence. Survey results are reported only in summary form; no attribution is made to any specific data from any participating entities.

Limited Distribution

Survey results are distributed only to the participants in each survey. All participants are required to sign an agreement that confirms they will abide by our confidentiality standards.

Safe Harbor Practices

The Croner Company’s data aggregation and reporting practices adhere to U.S. Department of Justice and industry standard “Safe Harbor” guidelines to ensure full regulatory compliance and enhance the integrity of all survey results.

Secure Data Management

All of our data submission, storage and distribution practices adhere to privacy and security standards established by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the joint E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield Certification program. Click here for more information regarding our privacy policies.


The Croner Company

To inquire about our compensation surveys, contact us today.

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