Recent Developments

Upward Trend Continues in Hiring Hybrid and Fully Remote Employees in the U.S.

The recently published 2022 Croner Software Games Survey – North America shows that jobs at U.S. software gaming companies experienced material compensation growth in the past year. Noteworthy findings from the 2022 report include [...]

C2HR Surveys Show Pandemic Continues to Impact Pay

The Content & Connectivity Human Resources (C2HR) Association’s annual Compensation Surveys revealed that pay at content developers rose substantially across all employee levels in 2022, with executives achieving the largest gains. Among connectivity providers, pay growth was modest; however, hourly and sales positions achieved [...]

Salaries for Software Gaming Talent Continued to Grow in 2022

The recently published 2022 Croner Software Games Survey – North America shows that jobs at U.S. software gaming companies experienced material compensation growth in the past year. Noteworthy findings from the 2022 report include [...]

Annual Planning Meeting for Compensation Survey of Entertainment Jobs

The 2021 Croner Entertainment Survey will be launched on Thursday, April 15, 2021 when participating companies gather virtually to plan the content for this year’s Survey.  This annual Survey planning meeting, conducted by The Croner Company, is attended by compensation and HR executives from large film studios, small film studios, music producer [...]

2022-08-02T12:06:28-07:00April 12th, 2021|Recent Developments|

Compensation for Local Media Jobs: 2021 Croner Survey Planning Meeting

The 2021 Croner Local Media Survey will launch on Thursday, March 25th. The Survey reports competitive pay rates for local advertising account executives and for television and radio programming and operations positions at local TV and radio stations. Human Resources executives from major media companies will gather virtually to plan this year’s [...]

Grantmaking Foundations Compensation Survey Annual Planning Meeting

The fifth annual planning meeting of the Croner Total Compensation Survey of Foundations will be held on Thursday, March 4, 2021.  Sponsoring foundations of the Survey will meet to discuss survey content and timely issues facing human resources professionals during remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The planning meeting agenda will [...]

2022-08-02T12:06:44-07:00February 26th, 2021|Recent Developments|

Planning for Equity in an Early Stage Company

So, you have a great product idea and you’ve decided to start the company of your dreams.  If you develop your product idea and the market embraces your technology, you are on your way.  Perhaps your company won’t become the next Google or Facebook, but it can find its place [...]

SEC Promulgates Guidance on “Say On Pay”

On January 25, 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission finalized its “Say on Pay” guidance, as required by the Dodd-Frank banking bill that was passed by Congress last summer. The text of the rules can be found at The SEC’s guidance, consistent with Dodd Frank, requires that public reporting [...]

2022-02-28T09:55:05-08:00January 25th, 2011|Recent Developments|