News & Trends

News & Trends2024-01-11T17:06:34-08:00

Announcements, News and Useful Intelligence

From The Croner Company

Planning Meeting for the 2021 C2HR Connectivity Providers Compensation Survey

The C2HR Connectivity Providers Compensation Survey provides up-to-date competitive compensation information about positions in cable multiple systems operators (MSOs), other cable and telecommunications operators and home security companies.   The Survey will be launched on Thursday, January 14, 2021, when long-time and new survey participant companies gather virtually to plan for this year’s [...]

Steady Compensation Growth for Entertainment Industry Executives and Management

The annual Croner Entertainment Survey provides comprehensive market data for compensation for jobs and specialties in all segments of the Entertainment industry, including Film, Television, Digital Entertainment and Music production and distribution. Noteworthy insights from the just published 2020 Croner Entertainment Survey include: Executives and Middle Management levels across industry segments experienced steady compensation growth year [...]

December 8th, 2020|News & Trends|

Why Use A Compensation Survey?

It’s tempting to determine salary, bonus and stock levels of your executives and employees based upon anecdotal pay amounts or on readily available self-reported salary data.  However, doing so is akin to guessing at sales levels with your largest customers, or to pricing your leading product based on a conversation with a former employee [...]

November 3rd, 2020|News & Trends|

Current Salary Trends for Grantmaking Foundations and Community Foundations

The Croner Compensation Survey of Foundations provides comprehensive data on compensation specific to private, independent grantmaking foundations and community foundations in the U.S. Noteworthy salary trends in compensation for the grantmaking foundations, from our just published 2020 Croner Compensation Survey of Foundations, include [...]

October 30th, 2020|News & Trends|

New Job Families Added to the 2020 Croner Software Games Survey

The position grids for the 2020 Croner Software Games Survey will cover seven new job families this year.  These additions result from discussions with participant companies at the annual Survey Planning Meeting, attended by human resources and compensation professionals from gaming software companies developing and/or publishing games in all platform types including mobile, social, console, PC, handheld, MMO and casino games. [...]

July 14th, 2020|News & Trends|

Launch of the 2020 Croner Software Games Survey-International

The 2020 Croner Software Games Survey-International will launch on Thursday, June 4, 2020, when industry professionals gather virtually to plan for this year’s software games compensation survey for companies with employees in the U.K and Europe.  Human resources and compensation professionals will represent developers and/or publishers in all gaming platforms:  mobile, social, console, PC, handheld, MMO and casino games. [...]

May 27th, 2020|News & Trends|

Launch of the 2020 Croner Software Games Survey

The 2020 Croner Software Games Survey will be launched on Wednesday, May 11, 2020, when industry professionals gather virtually to plan for the content to be covered in this year’s compensation survey of the industry.  The annual Survey planning meeting is for human resources and compensation professionals from companies developing and/or publishing games in all platform types including mobile, social, console, PC, handheld, MMO and casino games. [...]

May 11th, 2020|News & Trends|

Annual Survey Planning Meeting Launches the 2020 Croner Entertainment Survey

The 2020 Croner Entertainment Survey will be launched on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 when participating companies gather virtually to plan the content for this year’s Survey. This annual Survey planning meeting, conducted by The Croner Company, is attended by compensation and HR executives from large film studios, small film studios, music producer and distributors and also companies producing content distributed in theaters or across television and digital networks companies. The Survey positions cover a full array of positions for entertainment companies, including theme park and consumer product divisions. [...]

April 23rd, 2020|News & Trends|

Compensation Surges for Content and Customer Care Jobs

Employees working in content development and customer support earned big pay increases this year — as much as four times the national average. Data from the C2HR Annual Compensation Surveys also uncovered that compensation escalated for executives and middle managers among content developers (programmers), while management grabbed the biggest gains among connectivity providers (MSOs). [...]

February 13th, 2020|News & Trends|